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  • A dozen and one reason why we should handle your next construction project #8 & #11 will shock you

A dozen and one reason why we should handle your next construction project #8 & #11 will shock you

CALEBELLA INTEGRITAS PROJECT LTD is a registered design and building company. We are a one-stop center for all your construction activities from concept designs to building construction and management.

The following are the benefits of allowing us to handle your project.


One of our core values is integrity. It is not just what we say, it is what we do. We delivered as promised. 

The following testimonies testify to our level of integrity

You can read our client’s testimonies on our website. www.calebella.com


Our team of professionals (Architects, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Surveyors, and Quantity Surveyors) is licensed, well-equipped, and has complete know-how when it comes to building construction of all types.


Our team has been trained to give an unconditional commitment to providing the highest level of product or service to our clients, regardless of the circumstances.


You can retain 5% of our contract sum for a period of six (6) months after handing it over as an assurance that we will be there when you call within the warranty period.


Except where there are additional works not captured in the bill or unforeseen circumstances and obviously beyond our control, in as much as the payment terms and conditions are adhered to, our contract cost is fixed, i.e., we won’t come back for extra or additional payment.

  1. BUILDABILITY: Buildability (or constructability) is an approach to design which seeks to eliminate non-productive work on site, make the production process simpler, and provide the opportunity for more efficient site management. It is the extent to which the design of building facilitates ease of construction, subject to the overall requirements for the completed building. 

So far, the word ‘quality’ has been used rather loosely. Trying to define quality is a real challenge when it comes to construction, partly because of the complex nature of building activity and partly because of the number of parties who have a stake in achieving quality. 

Individuals and organizations concerned with achieving quality range from government bodies (regulations, standards, and codes), clients (individual and client bodies), manufacturers and suppliers (materials, products, and systems), designers (architects, engineers, etc.), assemblers (craftsmen, tradespeople and construction managers) and building end-users.

We have developed a managerial tool that ensures work conforms to predetermined performance specifications and this is how our quality standard is being achieved.

Apart from the quality assured by us, for assurance of conformity to performance standards and specifications, you can appoint a rep who comes to the site at will to see what is been done and how it is been done.


Time is of essence and time affects quality. Provided we are paid accordingly and there is no force majeure, we either complete your project within the agreed time frame or you get back 2% of your money. You can read that again!

Our Project timeline for residential development of a unit building is between 30 – 40weeks depending on the magnitude of the project and site constraints. This is to allow the building development to take its course thereby ensuring strength and stability.


We promise a 6-month warranty on all fittings and fixtures and 12 months warranty on the roof.


We have partnered with LEAD WAY INSURANCE COMPANY for the provision of fire, flood, and special peril cover for all properties developed by us. Your property is covered for 24months! 


In other to further establish trust and transparency, we have provided a technology that offers you a 24/7 online view of your site. From wherever you are in the world, you can have a real-time view of happenings on your site. You can log in anytime to view your site.


At Calebella we understand that a skillful design can reduce the amount of maintenance and also make it easier to carry out the work. Major decisions at the design stage that helps us to give our clients a building that requires less and easy maintenance requirement include, among other things, selection of materials, forms of construction, the orientation of the building, and user requirements. 

Right from the design stage to the construction and completion of all our building projects, we create an effective program to curb maintenance costs not only in terms of minimizing the costs of maintenance but also in maximizing the benefits of the investment.


Trust me there is a higher level of satisfaction when you entrust your building projects to us. Building with us makes project development fun. We carry you along all through the process, you make choices that suites your taste and lifestyle while we guide and advise you, we provide you with bi-weekly reports of site progress with pictorial evidence and all other benefits stated above.

We are your right plug for your next construction project.

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